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No Man is an Island

Totnes, Devon

I remember one of my friends once describing me as ‘self-contained’. Although she didn’t mean it as an insult, her description was in fact very accurate.

Having always been fiercely independent, I was never comfortable reaching out for help practically or emotionally, and had subsequently built a life around myself that was solely in my control. But protecting myself by containing myself was not conducive to a healthy, balanced life where love can flow, relationships can grow and life can become expansive.

Luckily yoga helped me to understand that asking for help was not a sign of weakness. Allowing myself to feel vulnerable was actually a leap of faith and the more I asked, the more ideas I got, the more faith I had in people and myself, and the more my life began to expand in ways I never thought possible.

And recent proof of that is the accomplishment of building my own website.

5 months ago I didn’t know whether to employ a professional, pay a friend, or even build it myself, so I asked everyone. Not just people I thought would know, but absolutely everyone I came into contact with, because it's often the most unlikely people who have the best ideas. Along the way, I made contacts and friends with all kinds of people, learned so much, became inspired by so many and was then able to make an informed decision to build it myself.

It seemed like an impossible challenge at the time, as I had no confidence in my drawing skills or the ability to learn the software for building the site. But due to the inspiration I received from the people I reached out to, and the confidence I gained along the way, I was able to achieve something that I didn’t think possible.

So don’t be afraid to ask, because you never know who you’ll meet, what you’ll learn or what you’re capable of, until you try. So go for it!

And THANK YOU to all you lovely people who have helped me get to where I am today and here's to all you friends and comrades of the future....

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