In the Light of Consciousness

Even when the outside world is going crazy, we needn't be effected if we have a strong connection with our inner world. Regardless of what's happening in the outer world, our experience of life is determined by our state of other words how we feel inside. The outside world literally changes in accordance with how we think and feel inside. If we allow ourselves to be sucked into everything we're being fed across all media, then we will suffer. But if we focus on our inner world, we will free our mind of the thoughts that keep us locked in a state of fear and anxiety. The world is going crazy, there's no doubt about that, but we actually have a choice as to whether we'd like to participate in this madness. If we instead choose to concentrate of cultivating a strong connection with our inner world, that doesn't mean we're sticking our head in the sand, it means we're choosing the most effective survival tool and one that will make us stable and strong, so that we can change this world for the better and help those around us NOW, in this moment because this moment will effect every future moment. But you might be thinking, "I don't have time to sit around mediating or practicing yoga when there are more important things to be concerned with right now. I need to think about what's happening in the world because what if? And that's exactly the problem. Most of our concerns are about things that haven't even happened, so we are worrying about the scenario of the possibility of them happening. How about instead we cross that bridge if and when we come to it? The only place you can truly feel safe and secure is within The only place you will find the ultimate Truth is within The only place you will find all the love and support you need is within EVERYTHING that we're looking for is within us... But don't take my word for it, try it and experience it for yourself. Imagine suspending your thoughts and floating in the light of your own lying on a fluffy cloud, weightless, comfortable beyond imagination and without a care in the world.... This experience is available to you right now. You just have to find a quiet place, light a candle, sit with a straight spine (on a chair or the floor) and breath. Relax. Observe your breath. Repeat an affirmation e.g: "I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every part of my being. I am living in that light. The Divine spirit fills me within and without" (Paramahansa Yogananada) Sit in silence. Breath. Relax. Just be. Sitting for 15 minutes every day will change your experience of life. Problems find natural solutions. Things start to work out more and more in your life and situations that seemed problematic, turn out to be blessings in disguise. Negative emotions no longer rule your life You will find freedom inside of you The more you practice, the better you will feel Instead of living in the darkness of our minds, let us choose to live in the light of our consciousness by staying connected to the unshakable source of strength, love and support that resides inside each and every one of us.